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2013-03-11 March
Cemetery and Parks Dept.
March 11, 2013

The meeting was open end at 7:05PM  present were Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, John Barrett, Roger Ropoza and Pam Haman.  Times Free Press and town residents (see list)

Bills were reviewed and approved.
Minutes from February meeting were reviewed and approved.

John Barrett moved to approve $400.00 for repairs to the crypt.  Tubby seconded all were in favor motion carried.

Tree cutting article was turned to Town Hall for the Town Meeting., Andy Sheehan Town Administrator or Kim Fales Town Accountant will let Roger know what account to put funds into.

Many residents that attend the meeting have concerns with the department’s regulation prohibiting vehicles on the common.  John Barrett pointed out that the department was constantly repairing and paying to have light fixture replaced or repaired due to vehicle damage.  Damage to the lawn is also a concern as the department would like to bring the lawn up to par.  The Commissioners realize that not allowing vehicles on the common may present a hardship for organizations and vendors.

Several residents representing various organizations that use the common were concerned about the loss of revenue for the group because vendors would no longer attend because of the difficulty of getting items on the common.  There were also concerns that some vendors needed to bring cars on the common due limited mobility.  

Various ideas were brought forth and discussed on the issue:
  • Having a person in charge from each organizations be responsible for vendor information:
  • Have carts available to help unload/load items.
  • Groups patrol the areas before and after each event to be sure of no damage.
  • Have a deposit paid by organizations refunded if no damage.
  • Charge for use of the Common.  The Commissioners explained that under Mass General Law this is not allowed.
John Barrett moved to suspend the rule prohibiting vehicles on the common for now. .  Obtain information on who is responsible from each group.  No motor vehicles may be left on the Common.  Tubby seconded all were in favor motion carried.

Develop a form for all groups to fill out.  Form will include name of person(s) responsible and warn the group that it may be held responsible if there is any damage on the common.

Vehicles are still blocking Howard Park.    The Shannys were more concerned about the spraying a chips into neighbors.  Removing pine tree and making a parking area.  Putting up signs “no blocking Driveway”.  Notify police chief.

                    Next meeting scheduled for April 8, 2013 at 7PM.

              Meeting adjourned 8:45PM.

                Pam Haman, Clerk